Summary Note Release IV June 19 2020

IBPS and SBLehrer LLC are releasing the next update of clinical efforts for treatments and vaccines for Covid19.

IBPS and SBLehrer LLC are releasing the next update of clinical efforts for treatments and vaccines for Covid19.   As we stated when we started this effort, Our goal is to highlight the actual work and results from studies around the world to aid in decision making, not follow the 24 hour news cycle hype.

We are currently tracking worldwide progress on the following:

–  Prophylaxis treatment of Covid19 for at risk Population like Medical staff

–  Treatment options for Infected Patients

–  Vaccines for Healthy People

There are 62 drugs being studied in over 2000 trials worldwide.      Major study results will be released in the next 6 weeks.   Major treatment updates include:

Dexamethasone – This corticosteroid showed significant improvements in late stage, critically ill patients in a large UK study.   The UK has already authorized use and we expect other regulatory agencies will follow

Hydroxychloroquine –  Clinical data now shows hydroxychloroquine not only has no clinical benefit in Covid-19 patients, the cardiac side effects make this treatment unsuitable for Covid-19 patients.  US FDA and other regulatory agencies have withdrawn their emergency use authorizations for Covid-19 patients.

-Preliminary Data Suggests Low-Dose Radiation May Be Successful Treatment For Severe Covid-19

135 vaccine candidates are in development; 8 are in clinical trials with 2 entering phase III trials this summer. 5 vaccines have been selected by the US Gov’t “Warp Speed” program to ensure commercial quantities are available as early as the end of 2020.

As we update this summary,  please help us by adding any information you see missing.

Thanks for your help in this journey